Preparation Guide For Residential Painting, A fresh coat of paint can change the entire look of a room. It can add light to a dark room, or even bring much needed elegance to a particular space. Most people assume that interior residential painting is beyond their scope but with the right paint, helpful hints and a little elbow grease, anyone can complete that residential painting job and become their own re-decorator in no time.
You should also keep an eye out for cracked and loose plaster that should be chipped away with a utility knife when prepping for painting. Use a thick plaster paste to repair the crack all the way to its deepest point. Then smooth the remaining plaster for a clean finish. Make sure all repair jobs are fully dried before painting.
First, choose a primer as it will help the paint better adhere to the wall and make for a more even coat. Secondly, decide if you want a matte or glossy paint. If your walls are prone to imperfections, even after repairs, steer clear of high-gloss paints. While the paint offers high durability and easy cleaning, it might make the imperfections on your wall more obvious than it already is. Matte paint will help to hide any unfixable spots, but is much more susceptible to damage, chipping and is not as durable as glossy paint.
Do not be afraid of color and always rely on paint samples from your local paint supplier when preparing for painting. These small cans cost only a fraction of the price and can help you choose that perfect color you desire for your home.
Turner’s Painting is a five star rated Long Island Painter which offers the best quality interior painting services, If you need professional painters to help you with your commercial or residential painting project,
Please click that link to visit or contact us today — 516 850 8369
Preparation Guide For Residential Painting
Interior Painting Preparation
Up to 75% of your time can be spent preparing for painting. The first step to any paint job is to make sure the workspace is clear of any furniture or valued item that could be damaged from paint splatters. You can either move them out of the room, or cover with drop cloths or old linens. Plastic floor coverings ensure that your tiles, wood flooring or carpet will not be marred by paint splatters. You should also remove all non-permanent light fixtures and outlet coverings. This will make for a much easier painting job.• Surface Checking And Repair
While painting can help to hide some of the imperfections on the wall, it will not cover all of them. For any ragged nail holes, be sure to fill them in with spackling paste. Spackling paste is a simple fix for most small to medium sized holes, and can be found at any local hardware store.You should also keep an eye out for cracked and loose plaster that should be chipped away with a utility knife when prepping for painting. Use a thick plaster paste to repair the crack all the way to its deepest point. Then smooth the remaining plaster for a clean finish. Make sure all repair jobs are fully dried before painting.
Cleaning And Degreasing
Walls, ceilings, doors and trims, just like any other surfaces in a house, needs cleaning before being painted. Most stains and dirt will come off with a simple wipe down with a wet rag. But for tougher stains that needs cleaning and degreasing, mix a solution of water and basic powered laundry detergent to speed up the process. Use a clean rag soaked with the soapy mixture to wipe down the work surface and help dissolve any grease or dirt build up. Do give the surfaces another wipe with a clean, water-only soaked cloth to remove left over soap as dust or dirt left on the surface will cause your paint to chip. A clean painting surface will lead to a better paint job.Using The Right Paint
There are so many paint choices available that it's easy to get lost in the color aisle at the hardware store. But here are some tips to make the job of picking out that perfect color for your residential painting project easier than ever.First, choose a primer as it will help the paint better adhere to the wall and make for a more even coat. Secondly, decide if you want a matte or glossy paint. If your walls are prone to imperfections, even after repairs, steer clear of high-gloss paints. While the paint offers high durability and easy cleaning, it might make the imperfections on your wall more obvious than it already is. Matte paint will help to hide any unfixable spots, but is much more susceptible to damage, chipping and is not as durable as glossy paint.
Do not be afraid of color and always rely on paint samples from your local paint supplier when preparing for painting. These small cans cost only a fraction of the price and can help you choose that perfect color you desire for your home.
Turner’s Painting is a five star rated Long Island Painter which offers the best quality interior painting services, If you need professional painters to help you with your commercial or residential painting project,
Please click that link to visit or contact us today — 516 850 8369
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