House Painting - My Thoughts

When it comes to house painting you can never be too careful on the contractor you hire. The process for painting a home in Boston should go as follows.

Before any paint is applied the site needs to be set up. The contractor should put tarps down surrounding the house that is going to be painted.

After the tarps have been set up surrounding the home ladders and or staging will need to be set up so the contractors and the contractors crew can work safely while performing the job for you.

Once everything is set up, the home itself needs to be made ready to apply paint. The process of prepping the home sometimes takes just as much time as painting the home itself. Any peeling paint will need to be removed by hand rough areas need to be sanded. Some areas may need to be sealed with caulking.

The prepping phase of a house painting job in my opinion is the most important part of the job. When care is used in this process the overall job will look ten times better than when it is rushed.

After the home is prepped properly for painting a primer is applied. You should always make sure the paint itself is of the highest quality. Never use inferior paint when painting your home. You are spending money on your home. Quality paints last much longer than inferior paints. A properly painted home, painted by hand will last for decades.

After your home has been primed by hand, the finish coats of paint can be applied Personally I like to apply two finish coats of paint after the home is primed. This method stands the test of time in New England's harsh weather over one coat.

The site is then cleaned up and the final payment should be made to the contractor promptly. This is the right way a project for a house painting should go.

Contractors who take pride in their work are extremely rare today. Care and time should be taken to find such an individual. When you take the time to find these rare contractors the job will speak for itself every time. With so many contractors out there, if you are looking for this type of contractor you have a mission ahead of you.

Great contractors do still exist you just have to find them. Ask your friends, relatives and co workers. Look online for contractors as well. And make sure you check up on the reviews of any contractor you are planning on hiring or even starting to consider hiring.

The time you spend now will be well worth it at the end when drive home after a long day at work and see your new beautifully painted home.

Long Island House Painting

Turner’s Painting is a five star rated Long Island Painters which offers the best quality interior and exterior painting services,  If you need professional painters to help you with your commercial or residential painting project, please click that link to request a free painting estimate or contact Turner’s Painting today — 516 850 8369
