How To Choose The Right Interior Paint Finish

The different paint finishes, such as flat, eggshell, satin, semi-gloss high-gloss, listed in order of exceeding amounts of gloss, refer to the differences in paint's level of shininess. This level of shininess has implications that extend beyond just the aesthetic qualities of the finish; it will also determine the ease with which a surface can be cleaned and how well the paint film will stand up to wear, tear and weathering. When it comes to interior painting, the primary concerns in choosing a finish are in determining how much wear and tear the surface will experience-and thus how often the surface will need to be cleaned- and how the surface will look with more or less of a glossy finish.

Most painting contractors agree that paints with a "flat" or "matte" finish - paints that contain the least amount of gloss - are best used for ceilings, surfaces ridden with imperfections and in rooms that will not need to be cleaned often. A disadvantage to using a flat paint is its inability to be cleaned thoroughly after being scuffed or marked up; an advantage is its ability to hide otherwise obvious nicks, dents and bruises by not reflecting any light. For these reasons, ceilings are painted almost exclusively with flat paint.

Eggshell finish is popular among homeowner and painting contractor alike, as it seems to strike the happy-medium point in gloss level, is versatile and a wise choice for many situations. Its wash-ability isn't so good to be recommended for use in kitchens, full bathrooms or laundry rooms, but the warm, inviting texture of the eggshell finish makes it appropriate for bedrooms, hallways, dining and living rooms and half-baths.

The next rung up on the gloss-ladder is the satin finish, which is a strong candidate for painting kitchen and bathroom walls, and can also be successfully used to paint windows, doors and trim. Before covering surfaces with a satin finish, care must be taken in the prep phase of the job; there is enough gloss to make bumps, holes and dents very obvious after you've painted.

Semi-gloss and high-gloss paint makes surfaces even shinier, and most painting contractors employ this finish on windows, doors and trim. Some walls-ones that really need to be washed repeatedly-can be painted with a semi gloss finish, but doing this almost ensures some imperfections in the final product.

Another important factor to consider when choosing a paint finish is an economical one: the more gloss the paint contains, the more expensive it will be. This may not make a huge difference when purchasing one or two gallons, but can make a significant impact on the price tag of a large project. Always remember to discuss paint finishes with your painting contractor before the work starts.

Turner’s Painting & Painters For A Day is a five star rated Long Island Painter which offers the best quality interior and exterior painting services,  If you need professional painters to help you with your commercial or residential painting project, please click that link to request a free painting estimate or contact Turner’s Painting today — 516 850 8369
