Interior Painting Color - Painting Tips and Tricks 5 Ways to Have More Fun

Painting becomes much easier and more fun when you are inspired by your color choice. If you are excited by the possibilities of the room color the "job" of painting becomes much easier. Being inspired is a great motivator, and a few painting tips and tricks can and will help the job go much faster and easier.

Be Inspired and Excited
That means you have found something that the colors speak to you, make you feel alive or peaceful or just happy. This can be virtually anything from personal clothing, to special dishes you love, or something inspirational from nature, don't forget your artwork. Because our lives are so busy and we go at break neck speed we often breeze by the things that make us feel inspired. Slow down a bit and let things touch you, and see what gives you a giggle, or makes you feel completely at peace. Pick the one you love the most and get started.

Stop Masking...Become a "Cut In" Pro
That's correct lay off the masking tape even that blue painters tape I so love. I have found that most people hate painting because of all the prep work. Let's face it masking off every little wall, window and molding can be a bit irritating. Why not work a little smarter and learn a new technique, and "cut in" just like the pros.

I am a big person in believing the right tool for the right job. Your painting challenge will decrease with the correct tools. First and foremost get a good quality brush. Don't be alarmed at paying $15.00 it will pay for its self many times over. Ask the professionals at your local paint store to guide you toward the best type of brush for your job. It is an investment so take good care of your brushes and they will last for years.

Professional painters use a simple process to paint close to objects, using an angled brush they simply dip the brush in the paint, clean off one side against the bucket and very carefully begin to paint against the edge of the wall. Put the cleaned off side of the brush against the wall not wanting paint. Slowly move the brush against the adjoining wall, be sure to keep the brush full, do not flatten out the brush too much, refill and continue. When you practice a little you will easily "cut in" against any wall without masking it off, and you will become as good as the pros.

Stop Moving Furniture Out
Stop, do not pick up that heavy couch or bed and run it out of your room, put all the furniture in the center and cover everything with an inexpensive piece of plastic. If the room is small simply move things side to side. It will save you time and energy.

Paint the Ceiling First
Your job will go much smoother and faster when you paint the ceiling first. Where the ceiling and the wall meet paint a 3 inch corner strip on both the ceiling and the wall, it is called the "cut in". Paint your ceiling from that point toward the center of the ceiling. After you finish the ceiling it is much easier to "cut in" the wall color next to the ceiling then trying to cut the ceiling color against the finished wall.

Make it a Party
Even if it is only you at this painting party set it up like a party. Have your favorite foods, chocolate goes a long ways toward happiness. Play your favorite music, something that gets you moving, make it loud so that you feel it. It is only you so you can sing and dance as you paint your room. Let yourself become excited and happy as the color that has inspired you goes on your walls.

I love Interior Design and helping people find ways to make their homes and lives more beautiful. In all my years in the industry my favorite time is spent teaching design and color classes and watching my students come alive with creativity.
